classical education

Utilizing Classical Education for a Better Future

School Development Group is focused on classical, liberal education. This is the format that has educated the greatest minds in the history of the world.

What is Classical Education?

Classical education is a long tradition of asking questions and digging up answers, consulting others, then asking, seeking, and finding answers once more.

This means reading great books, studying them, mining them, and talking to others about the influential ideas they contain. Whatever else classical education is, it is an ongoing series of questions and answers.

Its basic philosophy is to teach children in the ways they naturally want to be taught, despite not always knowing it.

Classical educators teach children what they want to know when they want to know it. We teach them language and grammar, logic, and rhetoric.

classical education

Our Educational Business Franchise

Utilizing the private or charter school vehicle, the schools will be under the umbrella of school development group.

The curriculum designated to use in these schools will be a classical model that has been developed over the past 30 years. It is updated annually and is currently used in several classical education schools. It has proven to be successful.

Our combination of educational excellence and business experience will guide our franchisees through the education minefield. Our model also requires brick-and-mortar facilities. These will be identified by the franchisee and approved by the franchisor.

Assistance with locating and negotiating a lease or build-to-suit facility will also be part of the franchise package.

Why Private Schools Instead of All Charter Schools?

Charter schools were originally designed to provide innovative ways to educate students and be utilized as laboratories for the public school system.

The sharing of best practices, and the autonomy that was given by their sponsoring districts, would allow better education practices to produce better students and citizens.

Charter schools have not been able to meet these expectations for many reasons. Primarily, they have lost their ability to be different from the public schools they were designed to compete with.

Compliance with public schools’ policies and testing has reigned in the autonomy initially offered to charter schools. School Development Group, Inc. is designing a classical education franchise.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide classical education at an affordable price to everyone interested in better educational options for their students.

Our schools will be designed to incorporate the best principles of a successful school. We believe that students need to be challenged on an everyday basis. This challenge creates excitement in learning and helps the student focus on the task at hand.

Get in Touch With Us Today

To learn more about our educational business model, contact us today. We hope to hear from you soon!