Classical Education on a National Scale

Fighting for the Soul of America

Progressive Education
The dumbing down of America

1 in 4 of first year college students needed to take either remedial reading or math classes. This means 25% of college freshman should not have graduated high school even at today’s lowered standards.
“Teaching to the test” – Classroom instruction rarely touches on anything not covered by standardized tests. Therefore those who design the tests and test questions indirectly control education.

"Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed." - Joseph Stalin

  • National Standards – Common Core - A single national standard that will drive a single national curriculum as states and schools will be unable or unwilling to divorce themselves from federal monies.
  • One curriculum, one text book, one test. Without questioning who writes the text book or who writes the test.

"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." - Vladimir Lenin

Classical Education in its Current Form

  • Classical education is making a comeback.
  • Hillsdale Academy ♦ Barney Charter School Initiative ♦ National Paideia Center ♦ Great Hearts Academies ♦ Aquinas Learning Center

Problems with Current Climate

Charter Schools

  • Still under the direction of local school boards.
  • No autonomy in many cases.
  • Time and energy to open. Excessive delays due to intransient school boards.

Classical Private Schools

  • Finding teachers able to teach the classical model curriculum.
  • Expansion and replication is nonexistent or extremely limited.
  • Minimal opportunities for classical education guarantees that we are always in the minority in the societal conversation. A risk to the future of the country.

Classical Education Strengths

Those of us in classical education are taking our cues from a time before the party began. Our experiences are all similar; we have not found the wholesome food we need in the present; we have been entertained but not fed, amused but not instructed.

We have gone, therefore, to another place, not too far off, but still forgotten by most. We have gone back to the well-walked path of the tried and proven – the classical method of education.
Christopher Perrin, M.Div, Phd

  • The modern experiment in education is about 100 years old and flagging. The classical experiment is over 1000 years old and reviving.
  • Classical education schools are taking hold as an alternative to the public education system.
  • The limited number of classical education options in the K-12 vertical leaves a large and underserved market.
  • Utilizing a for-profit business model will be attractive to investors, operators and capital markets.

Classical Education Weaknesses

Finding school directors and principals that fully understand and accept the classical education philosophy.

  • Facilities.
  • Educating the general public to the classical method.
  • Being viewed as ‘elitist’.
  • Paying for what you can get for free.

Classical Education Opportunity

  • 60 million public school students.
  • Limited classical education schools available.
  • Inability or lack of desire within existing classical education schools to replicate their successes.
  • No market leader.
  • A huge opportunity.

Classical Education Threats

  • Government
  • Labor Unions
  • Mainstream Media
classical education

Offering Better Education to Our Children

At the beginning of January 2023, School Development Group, Inc. will start offering franchisees the ability to secure specific territories for the development of private and charter schools.

We know that not all states are the same when it comes to education systems. That’s why we will prioritize states that have strong charter school laws and would allow easy access to approval for private school development.

Franchisors Will Periodically Monitor Your School

All schools will be required to use the classical education format. Our franchisors will then periodically monitor your school to ensure that the education system and quality maintain their excellence.

classical education

Questions? Concerns?

Join us in the mission to provide better education to our youth. To find out more about the financial viability of opening a classical education school, contact us today. We hope to hear from you soon!